original score/ additional sound design - me
note: my work does not appear in this trailer
original score/ foley/ sound design/ mixing - me
promo video for the final performance of "Under The Poppy"
music/ mixing - me
"The Company We Keep" with Jordan Whalen and Annabelle Young, music/ vocals by Joe Stacey (song by Stacey/Koja). Performed at the Russell Industrial Center in Detroit. Produced by Julanne Jacobs and Loudermilk Productions LLC.
This video was shown as part of the Under the Poppy show at the Detroit Institute of Arts on February 17, 2012. The show was based on the novel of the same name by Kathe Koja. The Mister Vidor video was performed by Brooklyn Dimitrie, Vanessa Hentschel, and Annabelle Young, and directed by Julanne Jacobs and Diane Cheklich. Music by Joe Stacey. Effects by Aaron Mustamaa.